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Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis, which is also commonly referred to as eczema, is categorized as a chronic ailment. It is characterised by inflammation, redness, and irritation of the skin. It usually starts showing up in childhood itself, although people of any age can get it. Atopic dermatitis is not contagious, so there is no risk of it spreading from person to person. Atopic dermatitis usually affects the skin on your face, arms, and legs. The rashes have a tendency to flare up and fade back not long before sparking again.

What are the Common Symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis?

If you are chronically affected by Atopic dermatitis, then it is common for you to have your first sign of rashes before 5 years of age during your infanthood. Atopic dermatitis appears as red, crusty, and scaly areas around the cheek, scalp, or the front of the arms and legs.

Children and adults suffer from very itchy red rashes on the back of their necks and knees and in elbow creases. Atopic dermatitis causes itchiness to worsen during bedtime. Upon scratching, the affected area can cause the skin to thicken and scar, causing dark blotches. Scratching is never encouraged in atopic dermatitis as it can lead to infections causing the red bumps to fill up with pus.

Other symptoms of Atopic dermatitis also include scaly and dry skin. If your rash bubbles up and weeps clear fluid, you might tick the condition of Atopic dermatitis. If you notice cracked skin that hurts and can also bleed or notice skin creases on the palms of your hand and under the eyes, then you might be having this chronic ailment.

Being chronic in nature, Atopic dermatitis is an inherited ailment. So, if you notice atopic dermatitis in your siblings or parents, you might be affected too. Atopic dermatitis is known to affect almost 18 million adults.

What Can Cause Atopic Dermatitis?

Although it is a chronic ailment, some experts suggest that living in cold areas which are polluted can trigger the condition, although not cause it. Food allergies do not cause atopic dermatitis, although food allergies can be triggered by this condition, and suffering from atopic dermatitis can lead to peanut allergy, etc.

Enlisted below are a few reasons which may trigger your condition of atopic dermatitis.

  • Strong scented soaps, perfumes, skin care products, makeup, and detergents which are saturated with strong chemicals, can cause your skin to be irritated and spontaneously trigger your rashes.
  • Some fabrics and woollen clothing are not comfortable on the skin and can cause a sudden outburst of itchy rashes followed by red bumpy skin.
  • Dry winter with low humidity is responsible for causing the onset of flaky skin devoid of any moisture.
  • Certain hormones may be responsible for triggering the onset of rashes in people suffering from atopic dermatitis.
  • Lifestyle habits, including stress and anger or tobacco smoking, can also cause atopic dermatitis to erupt.
How to Diagnose Atopic Dermatitis?

If your doctor infers that you might be affected with atopic dermatitis, you might be suggested to take a skin patch allergy test. You will also be asked to brief up with your medical history and undergo a physical examination. The skin patch tests include mini skin patches which are stuck onto your skin to understand the factors you are allergic to. In about 2 days, the patches are taken off, and your skin is examined for visible rashes around any of them.

How to Control the Outburst of Atopic Dermatitis?

Atopic dermatitis is common and has no known cure till date. However, some good skin care practices and habits can always keep them in check. These might include over-the-counter medication or ointments provided by medical experts based on your skin condition.

Some self-practice remedies are enlisted below to help you ease the flares of rashes:

  • Take a warm bath with added oatmeal. The antioxidant present in ground oatmeal helps to ease your inflammation and itchiness by restoring moisture into your skin right away! You may take a 10-minute oatmeal bath to soothe your rashes.
  • Wearing loose cotton clothing works best when your skin is irritated. Cloth fibers should not brush against your skin as it may lead to an outburst of rashes and flares. Atopic dermatitis can also spike due to sweating. Loose clothes prevent you from sweating by enabling proper ventilation.

  • Scratching is a strict no when it comes to atopic dermatitis. Nails contain numerous germs, and you do not want to infuse that into your flares. Scratching will directly result in some sort of infection which will make it difficult to treat the condition first without resolving the issue of the cause of infection.
  • Using a humidifier in case you are living in cold and dry areas can cause your skin some comfort and prevent it from drying up.
  • Take warm showers instead of hot baths and restrict them to 10 minutes. Hot water can cause your skin to dry up and make it more prone to atopic dermatitis eruptions.
  • Moisten! Moisten your skin with thick creams and ointments. Try to moisten up right after the bath since your skin can easily soak up the moisture and remain hydrated for a long time.
  • Switching to gentle products! Products that contain strong chemicals should be avoided at all costs by people suffering from atopic dermatitis. You may never know which chemical can suddenly cause the outburst of your condition. Being harsh in nature, these chemicals can also infuse into your flares, causing great discomfort and pain before you can seek medical attention. Get your products certified by our medical experts, who cater to the needs of your skin by prescribing customised skin care products suited for your skin.
Atopic Dermatitis Treatment by Our Medical Experts!

Atopic dermatitis is not a condition that can cause major risk, but with a good lifestyle and hygiene practices, you can keep this condition in check! Our medical experts are well-versed in the fields of both acute and chronic skin conditions. They make sure our clients are aware of their skin profile and understand the Do’s and Don’ts of their skin. They equip you with routine skin care plans and prescribe treatments that work best for your skin type.


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